Birth Stories


I am a single mom and I cannot imagine my labor without the love and support from both Rachel and Sandi.

Is god blessing that I met both of the most loving mother in this world! The prior meeting were essential to prepare me for a first time mom. I’ve past my due date and Rachel was not able to help me physically but she supported me through what apps when my mucus plug came out middle of the night at 3am. Sandi came to my house at 7am and prepare with essential oils and support. Everything went well and the after birth support from them was crucial. I was attacked with postanal depression and Sandi did whatever she could to help me through the process. I am so glad to have a doula for my birth and off course they are now my besties!!

I would highly recommend for every women if you need emotional, physical and mentally support for labor. For me, it has been the best investment and having their love and support.

Thank you Sandi and Rachel. Love both of you!


Even though this was my 3rd baby, I was nervous because it had been 10 years since my last delivery!

Rachel is truly a gift!

A few months before my expected due date, she and I began meeting weekly to "walk amd talk" 😊 It was so encouraging as we discussed anything and everything from pregnancy related issues to family and life issues. It was a wonderful time to get to know her as a friend and not just as my Doula.

When it came time for my delivery, I ended up having to have an emergency c-section. Even though my husband was the only one they allowed in the operating room with me, Rachel remained available for me. This ended up being a huge blessing for my mom who had come from the US. My mom said Rachel kept her heart and mind at peace while they waited for news.

My recovery took several days and then Benjamin became jaundice, so we ended up having to stay in the hospital longer than expected. Rachel went above and beyond by offering to stay with me one night to give my husband a much needed night's rest (and some quality time with our big kids!) She was so gentle and at ease with Benjamin and super helpful communicating with the hospital staff.

Even though my experience wasn't your "typical" delivery.... I am so thankful we had Rachel available for our family. She ministered to each of us in just the way we needed it! She has become a dear friend and I highly recommend her services!

Joyce Joyce

I’d heard of midwives, but not doulas. Never had experience with either, but we know Penang Doulas as personal friends - and so we trusted them! And it was a well-placed trust.

They were thorough in their pre-delivery prep sessions with us and told us not to feel ashamed if we had “silly” questions to ask (no such thing as silly they said!). So we asked any and all questions we had and received proper explanations in return. On the day (night) itself, they kept their phones and WhatsApp on so I could notify them when it was time. Sandi accompanied me the whole way at the hospital while Rachel kept us in prayer.

The expertise and encouragement and comfort provided (together with some amazing essential oils) made the whole process smoother and more bearable. Highly recommended!

Joyce Lim

It was so great to have Sandi help me with my birth. Even though I already have 4 children I was very keen to have a Doula for my birth in Malaysia. Let me first say that my birth experience in Malaysia was great, the facilities are wonderful, the care is amazing and the staff are professional, however there are a few minor things that are different than Western countries. It was great to have Sandi at the birth as my advocate - she knew what was going on and was able to be my voice with the doctor and nurses. One example of this: Early in my labour I decided that I felt most comfortable sitting on the toilet, this was better than lying down and got baby down pretty quick. The nurse tried to get me back to the bed to lay down, it was great to have Sandi there to explain to the nurse this was normal practice and actually very beneficial in labour.

I should also comment on the help I received before the birth. My water broke about a week before my due date. I called Sandi and told her the situation. She recommended that I wait at least 24 hours and hope labour starts naturally (I've been induced before and it's not fun). Because of infection risk, the doctor wants you to come in after about 12 hours if you water breaks. However the risk of infection is actually extremely small. Sandi recommended that if I was feeling well, with no fever I could wait a bit longer. She also recommended a few ways to get labour moving, including castor oil. Well, the castor oil worked - within about 6 hours I was in labour and about 3 hours after that I had my baby - Asher Joseph! If I wouldn't have had a Doula I would have been sitting in a hospital for at least 12 hours, I would have had been induced and although the outcome would have probably still been a healthy baby the process wouldn't have been nearly as good.

It was also great to have Sandi impart so much wisdom over me from her vast experience. She prayed before, during and after the birth for everything to go well and all our prayers were answered. It was wonderful to know that God was an active part of the birth.


Our first child, Eliam was born in Penang, in Oct. 2017. I was blessed to be coached and accompanied by Sandi and Rachel as my doulas. Sandi did all the preparation (physical and emotional) for the delivery, with my husband and I. She helped us to make a birth plan and taught us the different stages of the birthing process. As our son was 2 weeks overdue, and Sandi had to travel, Rachel took over and was there with us for the birth.

I greatly appreciated the way both doulas were loving and encouraging and how they reassured us throughout the process. The labor was really long, but Rachel was there with us the whole time, talking me through the pain, and helping me focus and understand what was going on. I also valued their presence during the first few days after the birth, when we had questions and worries. They were once again able to advise us and affirm that we were capable of taking care of this new little life.


Rachel prepared me in the best possible ways for the birth of my first child. Her support before, during, and after the birth of both of my sons was invaluable. One of the things I appreciate the most about her is how available she is, not just with her time but also with her heart. Her passion for supporting moms and for providing top-notch care shines through. It truly was priceless for my husband and I to have the assurance that we knew we were in good hands and could trust her judgement. Rachel is very calming and reassuring, and exactly what I needed for my birth experiences.

When I was pregnant with my second, I didn't think twice before asking her to serve with us as a doula again. Looking back, I can see how Rachel was an integral part of making what could be a scary experience an empowering one for me. People often ask me what it was like to give birth while living as an expat in Malaysia, and I always say that I wouldn't want to do it anywhere else or in any other way. Having Rachel as part of my birth team is one of the reasons for that.


I feel Rachel helped me greatly by giving me emotional support. It was wonderful to know that she was there just for me. The spiritual support was great too. Also rubbing the lower back was great as David was constantly hauling warm water to the pool and couldn't be there with me all the time. Also I remember Rachel taking all the photos of Benjamin's birth and thus providing a wonderful memory of the birth afterwards! So I would warmly recommend having a doula at the birth.


For weeks after the birth of my son I kept telling my husband how I never could have had a natural delivery had it not been for Rachel. Her presence was absolutely invaluable.

She was with me from 5 AM until 10 PM, when my baby was finally born. She brought a gentle, reassuring energy. She massaged my back for hours, prayed for me, and gave suggestions on what I should do. She was never pushy and respected my birth plan. Rachel and my husband worked as a team to help me endure long hours of hard labor.

I could not have been happier with my birthing experience and hope to be able to use her for future children!


Rachel was my doula for both my girls. She's wonderful. I had such a great experience with her for my 1st daughter that I hired her again when I was pregnant with my 2nd little girl. She was such a blessing to me. She was an advocate for me during labor and helped me to be calm and have the natural deliveries that I wanted. She met with me multiple times while pregnant to discuss child birth and what kind of experience I was looking for. She had resources she passed me such as books and videos for me to watch to help me learn about natural birth. She even lent me her exercise ball and diffuser to use during labor. She was available and willing to meet with me many times throughout my pregnancy to answer any questions and encourage me as I prepared for labor. As my due date got closer she was on call for 'the call'. She was with me every step of the way. Right by my side to encourage me and help keep me hydrated. My first baby was a c-section and the 2nd and 3rd were successful natural deliveries. They were peaceful and all around wonderful deliveries. I amount a lot of that to having had Rachel with me. If you are considering a natural birth, I highly recommend hiring Rachel. You won't regret it.

Mother and Child